Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School
Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider
Our friendly and dedicated staff body is committed to supporting all pupils to achieve to the very best of their ability socially and emotionally as well as academically.
We are all very approachable and keen to work in partnership with one another, parents and carers, and outside agencies in providing the best experience of education that we can for our children.
Bishop Pursglove CE Primary School |
Executive Head Teacher - Sarah Craig - Head of School - Fiona Hall - |
Opal Class Teacher (Reception) - Mrs Mallender SENDCO - |
Emerald Class Teacher (Y1/2) - Miss Palfreyman - |
Sapphire Class Teacher (Y3/4) - Mr Sheppeck - Ruby Class Teacher (Y5/6) - Mr Downings -
Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Mrs Bingham Teaching Assistant - Mrs Fletcher Teaching Assistant - Miss Hudd Teaching Assistant - Mrs Branch
School Business Manager - Mrs Webster School Business Assistant - Mrs Sloan
Catering - Mrs Dolan Mrs Gregory
Midday Supervisor - Mrs Quince Midday Supervisor - Mrs Hudd
Caretaker - Mr Walker