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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider

Our Topics


The attached file is an overview of the curriculum for 24/25, split into individual subjects and topics. This is a great resource to see the overall coverage. Below you can find out more about each of our amazing topics and access the knowledge organisers we use in school.


HISTORY - Invasion

In the Invasion project, your child will explore the effects of the Roman withdrawal and the chronology and geography of subsequent invasions. They will study the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in detail, examining their reasons for invading, their settlements and their everyday life. Your child will also look at monasteries and the Anglo-Saxon legacy. They will learn about Athelstan, an Anglo-Saxon king, and what happened after his death, before ending the project by learning about the Norman invasion of 1066.

GEOGRAPHY - Interconnected World

In the Interconnected World project, your child will use compasses to plot points on a map. They will revise four-figure grid references before learning about six-figure grid references to accurately pinpoint features on a map. They will identify the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and understand the characteristics of a tropical climate. Your child will learn about the countries, climates and culture of North and South America. They will identify significant physical features in the United Kingdom and use their map reading skills to learn about the National Rail network. They will extend this learning, by exploring the development of the canal network in the past and how the use of canals has changed over time. The class will conduct an enquiry to prove a hypothesis and use maps and surveys to gather information and draw conclusions.

SCIENCE - Food and the Digestive System

This project teaches children about the human digestive system. They explore the main parts, starting with the mouth and teeth, identifying teeth types and their functions. They link this learning to animals' diets and construct food chains to show the flow of energy


This project teaches children about sound, how sound is made and how sound travels as vibrations through a medium to the ear. They learn about pitch and volume and find out how both can be changed.

ART - Contrast and Complement

This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours and analogous colours, and how artists use colour in their artwork.

ART - Warp and Weft

This project teaches children about the artform of weaving and how it has developed over time, including the materials and techniques required to create woven patterns and products.

DT - Fresh Food, Good Food

This project teaches children about food decay and preservation. They discover key inventions in food preservation and packaging, then make examples. The children prepare, package and evaluate a healthy snack.

RE - What does it mean to be Hindu in Britain today?

RE - Why are festivals important to religious communities?



GEOGRAPHY - Misty Mountain, Winding River

In the Misty Mountain, Winding River project, your child will learn about the characteristics and physical processes of rivers, including how they shape the landscape over time, their significance around the world and the impact of flooding. They will learn how to use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and a key to locate and plot geographical places and features on a map, as well as how contour lines are used to show the topography of an area. They will have the opportunity to learn about the stages of the water cycle and about mountains and their different formations, studying mountain ranges in the United Kingdom and around the world. They will also learn about habitats and how human and natural influences can have an impact on the environment.

SCIENCE - States of Matter

This project teaches children about solids, liquids and gases and their characteristic properties. They observe how materials change state as they are heated and cooled, and learn key terminology associated with these processes.

Knowledge Organiser

Audio File

SCIENCE - Grouping and Classifying

This project teaches children about grouping living things, known as classification. They study the animal and plant kingdoms and use and create classification keys to identify living things.

ART - Animal

This project teaches children about the historical and cultural portrayal of animals in art. They study the visual qualities of animals through sketching, printmaking and clay modelling.

ART - Vista

This project teaches children about the techniques that artists use when composing landscape images, such as colour and atmosphere.

DT - Functional and Fancy Fabrics

This project teaches children about home furnishings and the significant designer William Morris. They learn techniques for decorating fabric, including block printing, hemming and embroidery and use them to design and make a fabric sample.

RE - What do Christians learn from the creation story?


RE - Why do Christian's call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'?


