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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider

On Line Safety

The safety of our pupils and our community is of paramount importance to us at Bishop Pursglove  CE Primary School.

Remaining safe online is an issue which is ever more prevalent now. For tips and advice on on how to stay safe online, please look at the links below.

If you need to report an online safety issue or simply want advice, please follow this link.

The Online Safety Hub - Games and Apps and their description and age ratings

Parent Guides

DigiDuck is a great story informing young children of online safety.


We have read it in school and it would be good to read at home with your children too.


You can discuss what DigiDuck should do to keep himself safe.

It is inevitable nowadays that children will be using the internet and/or gaming. It is really important that we are aware of what they are doing, especially as we lead busy lives.


Please have a look at this YouTube clip from Traci Good, an online safety expert. Traci is fantastic, and provides training for parents, carers, school staff and governors. She has a wealth of experience and has some really useful tips and advice to ensure our children "stay safe".

Traci Good E Safety Training

Hints and tips for parents on keeping your children safe online during the school closures.

If you ever feel uncomfortable online and need some advice, this website has lots of tips and help for staying safe online.'


Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?


You can anonymously and confidentially report:

  • Child sexual abuse content
  • Non-photographic child sexual abuse images
