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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider

Pupil Premium

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What is Pupil Premium?


Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. It was first introduced in April 2011. Since then the amount schools receive has increased. A school receives funding based on the number of pupils who are eligible for free school meals in any given year.


Key Principles for using Pupil Premium at Bishop Pursglove.

Bishop Pursglove has a commitment to raise achievement for pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium. We never confuse eligible pupils with low ability and strive to 'bring out the best' in this group of pupils and support them to achieve the highest levels. We provide a range of support aimed to address the specific needs of eligible pupils in all areas of their school life. We carefully track the impact of these measures and report regularly on progress.

It is up to schools to decide how best to spend their Pupil Premium and we follow government advice.  It is spent on things such as:

  • Training for teachers and teaching assistant
  • TA led reading sessions
  • 1:1 reading intervention work
  • use of dedicated and targeted computer software programmes
  • subsidised funding for school trips and other activities
  • subsidies for school uniform and infant milk

Funding Allocation for 2024-25

£ 1,480 for each eligible primary aged pupil

£ 2,570 for each 'looked after' or post adoption child

Based on our numbers in the October 2024 census, our pupil premium allocation for 2024-25 is £23680


