Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School
Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider
Safeguarding arrangements at Bishop Pursglove CE Primary school is underpinned by three key principles:
All of our staff, governors, students and volunteers are well trained and receive a thorough induction. Records of this are retained by Bishop Pursglove CE Primary.
We ask our children, and parents, about safeguarding and use the responses to further shape our provision.
Governors closely oversee safeguarding practices at Bishop Pursglove and monitor the annual S175 safeguarding audit which the school undertakes. An update is provided to Bishop Pursglove governors on a termly basis.
Our lead governor for safeguarding is:Thomas Webb.
If you have any concerns or queries then please contact Mrs Kilford or Mrs Craig, our trained Designated Safeguarding Leads via e-mail: or
Mrs Craig or Mrs Kilford will be contactable during out of school hours and school holidays.
Mrs Craig, Mrs Hall, Mrs Mallender and Mr Downings are Bishop Pursglove Safeguarding Leads.