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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider

Class Photographs


In PE, as part of our Dance Unit, we have been learning about the techniques used in Contemporary Dance.


We have studied how we can use our bodies to show the dynamics of expression, and looked at the routines performed by contestants on this year's BBC Series: Strictly Come Dancing.


Using some of the contemporary routines featured as inspiration, we split into small groups and practised our sequences.


What techniques can you see?

Year 5 + 6: PE - Contemporary Dance (Expressive) Sequences (18.12.2024)

Year 5 + 6: PE - Contemporary Dance (Expressive) Dance Sequences (18.12.2024)

Still image for this video
A Video Clip showing Pupils using Expression to tell the Story of the Music: Waiting For.

Pupils discussed the dynamics used to 'Show' the Music, and practised their chosen Phrase Sequences in Small Groups using techniques such as: Action and Reaction, Mirroring and Balance, Repetition, different Formations, Levels, Pathways and Contact.

As part of our Creativity Unit: Britain At War, we have been studying how British people rationed goods during the Blitz, in order to survive the conflict.  Surprisingly, we found that clothing materials, as well as food items were in short supply, as soldiers uniforms needed to be manufactured as a matter of urgency in order to support the War Effort.


In Design + Technology, we have completed our 'Make Do and Mend' challenge.  After looking at adverts and cine-film from the 1940's, we have studied how people were encouraged to turn old items into something else, and reuse materials rather than buy new.  


Practising our Running, Whip and Blanket stitches, we then designed and created our own Bookmarks and Pencil Cases using templates, and created them out of felt and fabric pieces, which we measured and cut down to size.

Year 5 + 6: Design + Technology - Make Do + Mend (10.12.2024 + 17.12.2024)

As part of our Topic: Britain At War, we have also conducted a Local History Study, investigating how the local Spa Town of Buxton, was affected by the Second World War, and how it has changed since 1945 and the present day.


We already know about the War's links to our own Village Community, and how the RAF's 617 'Dambusters' Squadron used the Derwent Dams to practice for their raids on Germany in 1943, from earlier in our Topic, but did not realise how important the nearby town of Buxton was.


During our study, we have researched significant local landmarks in the town, such as The Devonshire Dome/University of Derby (formally The Devonshire Royal Hospital), and discovered that many e.g. The Empire Hotel and Buxton Hydropathic Hotel, which was used to station and treat troops during the First & Second World War, no longer exist.


As part of our visit, we took at guided tour through the town and recorded information and observations about what we had noticed.  Some shops from the Victorian Era (Potters, and Hargreaves & Son) still continue to serve the town's population.


We also took part in a Second World War Workshop at Buxton Crescent run by Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust.  We learnt how the Buxton Mountain Rescue helped to locate and rescue stranded airmen around Derbyshire, The secret RAF ammunitions base at RAF Harpur Hill, and how the town supported evacuees from Guernsey's Elizabeth College at White Hall (now an Outdoor Centre).


In addition, the workshop complemented our learning in School, about how the town's rural location in the centre of England, it's Hotels and Spa Water was ideal to help treat different physical and mental ailments affecting soldiers and other military personnel during the First + Second World War.  We have also learnt about the importance of Buxton's LNWR + Midland Railways, in transporting troops and Jewish Refugees to the town in safety, and how Buxton during the war had a thriving Jewish Community.  


Chaim Herzog (The First President of the State of Israel) even visited his friends, who were living in Buxton on Macclesfield Road, whilst he was a refugee living in Matlock!


We also discovered that many Italian and German POW's (Prisoners of War) were held in POW Camps near to the town, and that many decided to stay here after the War had ended.

Year 5 + 6: Buxton Local History Visit (04.12.2024)

Members of Year 5 + 6, who take part in the School's Eco-Council, presented information about their chosen fund-raising charity this year: A local Hedgehog Rescue Centre, during Collective Worship.


With the help of Mrs Mallender, and Andrea, the Eco-Council will be raising money through the proceeds of a stall at the School Christmas Fayre on Friday 13th December 2024.


* At the Christmas Fayre, members of the Eco-Council raised £75 for the Hedgehog Rescue Centre.  Well Done Everyone!

Year 5 + 6: Eco-Council - Hedgehog Rescue Centre (03.12.2024)

This Term, our School Community has been busy raising money to help improve our Outdoor Learning Environment. 


The School Council, with the help of Mrs Craig, Mr Sheppeck and the Friends of School Association, have decided to raise funds to build a new Outdoor Learning Classroom Area, and develop the Woodland around the School so that it can be used to support the learning opportunities for all pupils and staff here at Bishop Pursglove.  The School has also recently been successful in securing a Grant Application to help support this.


We invited our Parents/Guardians into School and together we took part in a Sponsored Walk around the local area, followed by singing Christmas Carols with the School Choir, Coffee and Mince Pies in the Hall.  


Well done to everyone who helped to support this event.  We managed to raise nearly £1100!


*Our Christmas Fayre, held on Friday 13th December 2024, also raised £654 towards this fantastic cause.

Year 5 + 6: Sponsored Walk + Christmas Carols

As part of our Bees, Beetles + Butterflies, Art and Design Project, we have been looking at different insects and developing our observational drawing skills.  Using this, we then created our own mixed media collages of our favourite insects, using a variety of different materials.

Year 5 + 6: Art + Design - Bees, Beetles & Butterflies Artwork Challenge (24.10.2024)

In Science, we have been learning about Light Theory, and investigated how light travels in straight lines.  We found out that light reflects off a smooth reflective surface and at the same angle it hits it.


Furthermore, we have looked at the Electromagnetic Spectrum and how the human eye processes visible light.  We then carried out an experiment using coloured images to test how our Rod and Cone Cells along our retina perceive colours.  We then shared our results with each other to see if we saw the same colour and our eyes worked in the same way - we found out that some of us saw slightly different colours to our friends.

Year 5 + 6: Science - Light Investigation (03.10.2024)

In Creativity, as part of our Topic: Britain At War, we have been looking at how Britain prepared itself for the outbreak of the Second World War in  September 1939.


We have looked at how Britain had learnt lessons from the Great War (1914-1918), and introduced national measures such as: Rationing, Evacuation and Gas Masks, in order to protect the civilian population from advances in technology and the might of Hitler's infamous Luftwaffe (air force), which had wrecked havoc across mainland Europe, through its successful Blitzkrieg tactics. 


By destroying the airfields and important communication networks of countries they wished to invade, the Nazis were able to force a quicker surrender.  Poland had surrendered by the end of September 1939, Belgium, Norway and France had also fallen by May 1940, leaving Britain isolated and alone.


After also agreeing an non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union, Hitler was now ready to turn his attention to the invasion of Britain (Operation Sealion).  The Battle of Britain, could now begin...

Year 5 + 6: How Britain Prepared for the Outbreak of the Second World War Presentations (26.09.2024)

Year 5 + 6 pupils took part in our annual Football Festival.  We had a fantastic time working as teams and showing good sportsmanship to our opponents - whether we won or lost.  Many of us were also taken out of our comfort zone playing football competitively for the first time, and really enjoyed it!


We did fantastically well with all three of our School Team's reaching the Semi-Finals.  Two even played each other for a place in the final.


In a nail-biting final, which ended 1-1, Bishop Pursglove Team C narrowly beat Bishop Pursglove Team A in a sudden-death Penalty Shootout 5-4.


Well done to everyone who took part!

Year 5 + 6: Football Festival (19.09.2024)

In PSHE, we have welcomed representatives from Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service, into School to discuss Fire Hazards and Safety.


As part of the Workshop, we reviewed the Fire Triangle and talked about how Fuel, Heat and Oxygen are needed to create a fire.  We also completed activities (including a jigsaw) to identify Fire Hazards in the home, and what to do to help prevent them.


Thank you to Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service, for taking the time to come and speak to us!

To introduce our Topic: Britain At War, we visited our local Village War Memorial, where we identified names of local service personnel who fought and died during the First and Second World Wars.  Some of us, were even able to identify our own relatives on the Memorial.


Back in Class, we used Internet Resources including: the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and A Street Near You Website, to research the history behind the names we identified.  We were surprised at just how much information we could find from a Name, Date or Regimental Number!


We presented our research in our Writing Books, and some of us were also able to bring in War artefacts such as Ration Books, Gas Masks, Medals or information about our relatives from home.  Archie showed us a genuine Iron Cross, that one of his relatives took from a German Soldier they had killed during the First World War.


We have really enjoyed investigating aspects of our local history, and can't wait to see what else we discover throughout the rest of this term!

Year 5 + 6: Derbyshire Fire Safety Workshop (16.09.2024)

Tideswell War Memorial Visit + Military History in our School Community (12.09.2024)


During our 'Sow, Grow and Farm' topic in Creativity, we have been learning about the benefits of eating and growing seasonal produce.  As part of our studies, we have investigated foods that are currently in season across the UK and developed our own 'Seasonal Growing Calendars' using our research from the BBC Good Food Website.


We also created our own Pizza toppings based on Seasonality, and evaluated and refined our final choices, before making them using our knowledge and understanding of Basic Food Hygiene.

Year 6: Design + Technology - Creating and Making Pizzas with Seasonal Toppings (17.07.2024)

In June, to celebrate our achievements this year, we went on a fantastic outdoor Residential Visit to White Hall.  During the visit, we bravely completed tasks which involved working as a team, taking risks and challenging ourselves.   Some of us also learnt how to make our own beds properly!


We really enjoyed Canoeing on Combs Reservoir, in the Goyt Valley, and Rock Scrambling over The Roaches, near Leek.

In Art + Design, we have been studying the work of the Inuits (Indigineous people of the North American and Canadian Arctic Region).


Artwork made by the Inuit includes: pictures, carvings, sculptures and prints. Animals, cultural myths and legends are the main sources of inspiration. However, Printmaking is a more recent addition to Inuit Art, which began in the late 1950's with the help of James Houston, a Canadian artist and government administrator. At first, stonecuts were used to print images. Later, stencils were used.


We used the stencilling technique by drawing our Inuit inspired design onto white card. We then applied paint using our chosen colour combinations over the cut out design, to create an image on the surface below. Inuit Artists use stencils to add detail to stonecut prints or to make several versions of their original drawings.


Today, Inuit Artwork is extremely popular. It is displayed in art galleries and sold all over the world. Famous Inuit artists include: Jessie Oonark, Karoo Ashevak, David Ruben Piqtoukun, Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok and Pitseolak Ashoona.  In 1960, Inuit Artist Kenojuak Ashevak, made a print of an owl called 'The Enchanted Owl'. It features a stylised owl with a spotted body and long, fanning feathers and was made using a stonecut on paper printing technique. The design became a commemorative stamp for Canada in 1970.

Year 6: Art + Design - Inuit Soap Sculptures (13.03.2024)

As part of our 'Frozen Kingdoms' topic in Creativity, we have been looking at how Icebergs are formed and how they travel into shipping lanes across the World's Northern and Southern Oceans.  Through our History study of the Titanic, we have also learnt about the catastrophic consequences Icebergs can cause.  We then conducted our own experiments to investigate how Icebergs react in different types of water (Freshwater and Saltwater).  We chose these types of water because Saltwater is like that seen in the world's oceans e.g. the Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean.

Year 6: Science - Iceberg Investigation (01.03.2024)

In Design and Technology, as part of our Engineer Unit, we have been looking at Bridge Design and how they are constructed based on different facts such as: size, wind force, span and economy of materials.  The main types of Bridge are - Suspension, Truss, Arched and Beam Bridges.


We have been investigating how to strengthen bridges and distribute the mass of loads by using triangles to bolster key points on our bridges.  Working in teams, we designed our own bridges out of: Paper, Masking Tape and Art Straws, and looked at how to incorporate triangular strengthening techniques before testing their strength using weights.


Year 6: Design + Technology - Strengthening Bridges (09.02.2024 + 12.02.2024)

As part of our Creativity Unit: Britain At War, we have been studying how British people rationed goods during the Blitz, in order to survive the conflict.  To our surprise, we found that clothing materials, as well as food items were in short supply, as soldiers uniforms needed to be manufactured as a matter of urgency.


In Design + Technology, we have completed our 'Make Do and Mend' challenge.  After looking at adverts and cine-film from the 1940's, we have studied how people were encouraged to turn old items into something else, and reuse materials rather than buy new.  


Practising our Running, Whip and Blanket stitches, we designed and created our own Bookmarks and Pencil Cases using templates.

Year 6: Design + Technology - Make Do + Mend (11.12.2023 + 12.12.2023)

During the Autumn Term, in Music we have made our own musical compositions based on 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams.


After appraising the song and vocalising the lyrics at different tempos, we created our own compositions using varied pitches of note combinations on a glockenspiel.


Some of us even wrote our compositions using musical notation on a Stave.


We also played our compositions as a solo to the melody, as table groups and a class ensemble.

Year 6: Music - 'Happy' Pharrell Williams Compositions (20.11.2023 + 27.11.2023)

As part of our Bees, Beetles + Butterflies, Art and Design Project, we have been looking at different insects and developing our observational drawing skills.  Using this, we then created our own mixed media collages of our favourite insects, using a variety of different materials.  We even stitched them to fabric squares using a Running Stitch.

Year 6: Art + Design - Mixed Media Collages (08.11.2023)

In Science, we have been learning about Light Theory, and investigated how light travels in straight lines.  We found out that light reflects off a smooth reflective surface and at the same angle it hits it.


Furthermore, we have looked at the Electromagnetic Spectrum and how the human eye processes visible light.  We then carried out an experiment using coloured images to test how our Rod and Cone Cells along our retina perceive colours.  We then shared our results with each other to see if we saw the same colour and our eyes worked in the same way - we found out that some of us saw slightly different colours to our friends.

Year 6: Science - Light Investigation (27.09.2023)

Year 6 pupils took part in our annual Football Festival.  We had a fantastic time working as teams and showing good sportsmanship to our opponents - whether we won or lost.  Many of us were also taken out of our comfort zone playing football competitively for the first time, and really enjoyed it!


One of Bishop Pursglove's teams were Runner's Up - narrowly beaten by Great Longstone 2-1 in the Final.


Well done to everyone who took part.

Year 6: Football Tournament (21.09.2023)


In June, to celebrate our achievements this year, we went on a fantastic outdoor Residential Visit to Hollowford.  During the visit, we bravely completed tasks which involved working as a team, taking risks and challenging ourselves.   Some of us also learnt how to make our own beds properly!


We really enjoyed Canoeing on Fernilee Reservoir, in the Goyt Valley, and Rock Scrambling over Higgar Torr, near Hathersage.

Year 6: Hollowford Residential Visit (19.06.2023 - 21.06.2023)

As part of our 'Sow, Grow and Farm' topic in Creativity, we visited Tideswell Allotments in order to investigate the amenities it has to serve the local community.


With help of our brilliant guide Mrs Clements, we learnt how people shared resources and equipment, as well as learning how plot owners improve soil quality and drainage using raised beds and natural fertiliser (manure) off local farmers around the village.


Some plot owners also keep chickens to provide fresh eggs!


Using our notes and observations, we then wrote a conclusion about how well the Allotment serves the village - taking into account it's location, and on-site amenities such as running water.


A huge thank you to Mrs Clements and Tideswell Allotment Association for all their help in allowing us to access the plots.

Year 6: Tideswell Allotment Visit (08.06.2023)

During our 'Sow, Grow and Farm' topic in Creativity, we have been learning about the benefits of eating and growing seasonal produce.  As part of our studies, we have investigated foods that are currently in season across the UK and developed our own 'Seasonal Growing Calendars' using our research from the BBC Good Food Website.


We also created our our Pizza toppings based on Seasonality, and evaluated and refined our final choices, before making them using our knowledge and understanding of Basic Food Hygiene.

Year 6: Making Pizzas with Seasonal Toppings (25.05.2023)

In Design and Technology, as part of our Engineer Unit, we have been looking at Bridge Design and how they are constructed based on different facts such as: size, wind force, span and economy of materials.  The main types of Bridge are - Suspension, Truss, Arched and Beam Bridges.


We have been investigating how to strengthen bridges and distribute the mass of loads by using triangles to bolster key points on our bridges.  Working in teams, we designed our own bridges out of: Paper, Masking Tape and Art Straws, and looked at how to incorporate triangular strengthening techniques before testing their strength using weights.


The two most successful bridges were of a Truss design and held 5.7kg.


All our bridges in total, managed to hold a combined mass of 22.5kg.  

Year 6: Strengthening Bridges (21.04.2023)