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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider

Friends of School

What is Friends of Tideswell School?


Friends of Tideswell School (usually called a Parent, Teachers and Friends Association) is a volunteer lead group of parents and carers who work together to raise funds by organising fun events for the children and the community.


We provide funding so that the facilities, environment, resources and experiences of the children can be improved to a level above those that can be achieved with normal school budgets. 

For example, FOS fund the selection boxes at Christmas time, the pantomime, the easter eggs and prizes and more substantial donations that are required by school.


The more support we get from parents, carers and families the more positive the impact we can make for our school.


Would you like to join or support FOS?

Every parent and carer who has a child at the school is automatically a part of the group.

The level of involvement that you have is up to you and your personal circumstances.

We are always delighted to welcome new members to FOS, so don’t be shy!


Approach any staff member or a FOS member for a chat to understand more about what and how we do things.

You’re bound to have a skill or talent that could benefit FOS and our fundraising activities.

It is really rewarding and a terrific opportunity to get to know other parents and that little bit more about the school too!


What can you do?

You could:

 - Attend events

 - Take part in activities

 - Attend Planning meetings 

 - Buy & Sell tickets

 - Spread the word to friends, family & neighbours about our events

 - Provide gifts, prizes, or other services personally or through your work


What we are currently working towards


This year FOS was approached by Mr Sheppeck to help raise funds for an outdoor classroom, and to develop a woodland area which is near to the school.   

With the increasing number of children with mental health issues we are realising now more than ever that spending time outdoors brings abundant benefits for the health and wellbeing of young people. 

Ways to get in touch:-

Chairpersons – Ben Twelves & Kerry Davies

General Secretary – Elise Rose

Treasurer – Becka Oakley
