Mrs Clements taught us how we can use our hands to help us pray. In house worship, we made our own praying hand pictures
Jon from Innertuba visited to give us a concert. He even played the hosepipe!
Mr Sheppeck led a special sports themed worship, linked to our love of sport celebration.
We listened to another version of the healing of the centurion's servant
Mrs Mallender looked at St Francis of Assissi and the idea of treating others as you would wish to be treated.
Mrs Clements told the story of how Jesus cleared the temple so it could once again be a holy place.
We welcomed the maypole dancers for Wakes Week.
Open the Book visited too!
Mrs and Mrs Briddon told the story of the feeding of the 5000.
In House Worship the Year 6s helped us to write prayers for our local communities. We also enjoyed some mindful colouring to help us think about how we can show respect for nature.
The Year 6s led the leavers service at St Johns as their last collective worship at school.
April - May 2024
This term our value is Generosity
Mrs Clements introduced our value with an image of God's overflowing generosity, making the beads in the jar spill over.
The children led house worship telling the story of the Rainbow Fish, writing prayers of gratitude and thinking about how our hearts can be generous.
Mrs Mallender talked to us about ways we can be generous and give to charity.
We learned about the widow's coin and how she sacrificed all she had to live on.
We talked about sacrificing our time generously.
Reverend Carole visited, with Jacob and Abigail, and told the story of the widow of Zarapheth. She was generous with the last of her food to the prophet Elisha.
We learned how Buddhists around the world celebrate Vesak. Andrea came in to talk about her Buddhist tradition and how it impacts her life.
Mr Downings talked about how we can be generous in our care of creation.
Mr and Mrs Briddon came in with their puppets and told the story of Ruth.
March - April 2024
This term our value is Humility
Mrs Clements brought in a giant lego bag full of clothes. We talked about getting dressed up in different values.
Mr Downings told us the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
Open the Book came in to tell us the story of the Feeding of the 5000.
Mrs and Mrs Briddon told the story of Jesus calming the storm, using their amazing puppets.
On World Book Day, Mrs Clements led worship on being passionate about reading.
We learned the story of how Jesus healed the servant of a Roman Centurion.
The children led house worship, telling the story of the hare and the tortoise. Can you remember who showed humility?
Reverend Carole visited with Jacob and Abigail to talk about how Jesus showed humility and washed his disciples' feet.
We learned some Easter songs for our Easter Service at church.
Mrs Mallender told the story of Icarus.
January - February 2024
This term, our value is Truthfulness.
We learned about different scenarios where is is important that we tell the truth, that is is important to tell the whole story.
In house worship, we learned the story of The Boy who Cried Wolf. We wrote truth acrostics and also made our own 'belts of truth,' inspired by Paul's image of wearing the armour of God.
Mrs Mallender shared the story of Jacob and Esau, how a whole family split because of deception.
We acted out stories to help us think about making truthful choices, and asking questions to help us get to the truth.
Mr Downings introduced us to the Courageous Advocate, William Wilberforce, and how he relentlessly campaigned for an end to slavery.
We learned how sometimes telling the truth takes courage.
Open the Book visited to tell the story of Joseph in Egypt, and the baptism of Jesus.
Mr and Mrs Briddon told the story of Moses in the Bulrushes with their puppets.
Mrs Clements brought in a giant donut to remind us of how we all have a spiritual core.
We learned about how Chinese New Year is celebrated.
We welcomed Carole, Jacob and Abigail from Cliff College, who will be leading worship for us in the coming months.
November - December 2023
This term, our value is Hope.
We looked at the poppy as the symbol of hope during Remembrance events. Children from Y6 led part of the village memorial service and laid a wreath on Remembrance Sunday.
Open the Book told the story of Noah's Ark. In house worship, Year 6 introduced the rainbow as a symbol of hope, and we made our own rainbow art.
With the current high profile wars in Ukraine and Gaza, we held a time of prayer, asking God to bring hope to his war torn world.
We learned the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and how their hope for a child led to the birth of John the Baptist.
Mrs Mallender talked about baby names, and we shared the different names for Jesus prophesied in Isaiah 9.
We learned the Lord's Prayer, as a prayer that brings hope to Christians all over the world.
Mr and Mrs Briddon told the story of the birth of Jesus using their brilliant sheep puppets!
We shared a special Hanukkah themed afternoon, to celebrate the Jewish festival. We made menorahs and star of David models.
Mr Downings talked about how Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to Egypt to escape King Herod. We discussed the plight of refugees around the world, and how they hope for safety.
In house worship the Y6 children led prayers of hope for our community. We also looked at how we are bringers of hope in our homes and at school.
Andrea visited from Tideswell District and Environment Group with some books on eco themes as a gift for the children. She also invited children to apply to become members of the new Eco Council.
Open the Book visited again to tell the story of Joseph.
We celebrated the end of term with a Christmas Service, led by the Y6 children. Each class presented something linked to Christmas and the choir sang for us too.
September - October 2023
This term, our value is Friendship.
On our first day back at school, we looked at our brand new school uniform. We thought about which values we would want to clothed in, using lego figures.
We voted in our new house captains!
We looked at how we can be good friends by: encouraging one another, spending time with each other, listening and supporting each other.
We celebrated harvest festival down in church.
Mrs and Mrs Briddon brought their puppets to tell the story of Ruth.
Open the Book visited to tell us the stories of creation, and Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
In house worship, the Year 6 children led worship to make friendship bracelets and paper chains of encouragement.
We celebrated Black History Month by learning about women of colour who made a difference.
Mrs Mallender led us in finding out about the story of Diwali.
May - July 2023
This term, our value is compassion.
We learned traditional hymns about compassion, to help us understand compassion in action.
Mr Downings talked about the feeding of the 5000, and linked this to courageous advocate, Marcus Rashford.
Mrs Clements read us the story of the Good Samaritan.
Open the Book visited to tell the story of the healing of the blind man at the Beautiful Gate.
Opal did a brilliant class assembly, featuring their glockenspiel work.
In house worship, the Year 6 children led us in making our own compassion comics.
Reverend Simon and talked about God's compassion for his people, using the Footprints in the Sand poem.
Mrs Clements encouraged us to clothe ourselves with compassion and read the story of the Smartest Giant in Town.
Mrs Mallender told the story of Moses in the bulrushes, and how sometimes compassion takes courage.
Reverend Simon told the story of Ruth and how Naomi showed compassion to those older than her.
Mr and Mrs Briddon visited to tell the story of the Miraculous Catch of Fish with their puppets.
Years 2-6 visited St John's church for their 'Experience Eucharist' morning.
We said goodbye to our leavers in their final service down in church.
April- May 2023
This term, our value is Thankfulness.
Mrs Clements led worship about remembering to thank people who help us.
In House Worship, children created post it note thank you messages to give to these people.
Mr Downings talked about 'counting your blessings' and being thankful for what you have.
Reverend Simon led worship from Psalm 106, which says: "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever!"
In house worship, Year 6 led the children in creating raindrop art, because so many blessings come freely, like rain from the sky.
Mr Twelves told the story of Paul and Silas in prison in Philippi and we learned how they were thankful in terrible circumstances. This helped us to think about being thankful in bad times as well as good.
Open the Book came in and led us in telling the stories of Jesus on the road to Emmaus and Pentecost.
Mr and Mrs Briddon visited to tell the story of The Miraculous Catch, which fitted well with the story of Pentecost as it was one of the events after Jesus' resurrection.
March - April 2023
This term, our value is Justice.
As we entered the season of Lent we changed our worship table to the colour purple and together learned about preparations and anticipation for Easter. This culminated in our Easter service on the last day of term, attended by the whole school, our families and members of the community. This service was led by Year 6, who told the story of the last supper, Jesus' arrest, crucifixion and resurrection.
Open the Book visited twice this half term, where they told the story of Jairus' daughter and the good shepherd.
Mrs Clements used an acrostic poem to help us find out different meaning of justice.
We learned about the story of Esther and how Purim is celebrated by Jewish people all over the world. This linked to our value by looking at how God encourages us to seek justice for those who are oppressed.
We also found out about Ramadan and its importance for people of the Muslim faith.
Mr Downings encouraged us to look at situations from other people's point of view to help us to act justly.
Mr and Mrs Briddon used their puppets to tell the story of David and how he faced the giant Goliath!
Emerald class led worship as part of their Class Assembly on Coastline.
We took part in fund raising for Red Nose Day, where we wore red to raise money.
January - February 2023
This term our value is Trust.
Mrs Clements talked about how Jesus is always with us in stormy times. This ideas was used to inspire artwork in House Worship.
We enjoyed the story of David and Goliath, and learned how David trusted God to face a giant challenge. We thought about challenges we might face in our lives.
Andrea and Sheelagh from the Environment Group (TDEG) came in to invite children to join in a new Eco Club, to raise money for projects to improve our local environment.
Sapphire and Ruby Classes performed fantastic class assemblies about their learning in class.
Open the Book came in to tell the stories of the Tower of Babel and Jesus getting lost at the temple as a boy.
Mr and Mrs Briddon told the story of Shadrach, Meshech and Abed-Nego and how they trusted God to save them from the burning fiery furnace!
As a school we learned about the Hindu Puja in honour of goddess Saraswati and how it is celebrated. We made kites, tried and made origami flowers and thought about how we celebrate in our lives.
Reverend Nicola talked about Jeremiah's picture of people who trust in God being like a tree planted by a stream of water.
We learned songs about trust and shared the image of God being a strong tower we can run to in times of trouble or need.
We took part in activities in class for Safer Internet Day.
As part of LBTQ+ awareness month, each class focused on picture books donated by members of the local community to discuss Protected Characteristics. These books included Uncle Bobby's Wedding, My Shadow is Pink, Love Makes a Family, Love around the World, Julian is a Mermaid, Julian at the Wedding.
Saraswati Puja Afternoon
November - December 2022
This term our value has been Peace.
Reverend Nicola talked about finding peace with each other, making links between different instruments in an orchestra.
Mrs Clements helped us to think about finding peace from our worries and about being peacemakers in our homes, school and community.
We thought about peace from war and prayed for areas of conflict around the world. We held a silence for Remembrance Day and children in Year 6 took part in the Remembrance Sunday parade, laying the wreath on behalf of the school.
Reverend Simon talked about how Christians celebrate communion, in order to find peace.
Mr Downings led worship around Anti Bullying. We worked in teams in the hall to Think Deeper about the impact of bullying.
We all took part in the story of Jesus calming the storm, using an action story by Bob Hartman.
At the start of advent Reverend Simon led worship on Jesus, the promised Prince of Peace.
In house worship Year 6 led worship, where we made doves of peace, wrote our own prayers for peace and shared the story Five Minutes Peace.
We found out about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated today.
Mr and Mrs Briddon came in with their puppets to tell the nativity story.
On the last day of term we joined together with our families and friends in our Christmas Service at St John's. The Year 6s read the gospel readings of the Christmas story. Sapphires performed a poem, and Emerald and Opal classes sang songs from their nativity.
September - October 2022
This term our value has been Creativity.
We have experienced the creation story in lots of different ways. Mrs Clements gave us all parts of the story to hold up when God created them. Open the Book came in and helped us to act it out. Mr and Mrs Briddon told the story with their puppets and a song.
Mrs Mallender brought in some Autumn treasures and we reflected on the miracle of seeds and new life.
We went to St John's church to celebrate harvest festival with our families and collected donations for the ZINC charity.
Mrs Clements read from Ephesians 2 and showed us God's greatest creation - his masterpiece - in a box. When we looked inside there was a mirror, because we are all God's masterpiece. He has important work for us to do!
Reverend Simon talked about us being a new creation in Christ. This means we can be filled with joy. He changed his clothes from dull and black to brightly coloured ones. We loved his jester's hat!
Mrs Clements talked about how being God's masterpiece means we have the responsibility of caring for his world. We thought about how small changes can have a big impact.
Mr Twelves talked about Greta Thunberg, a courageous advocate who speaks out against climate change. She says 'No one is too small to make a difference.'
Mr Sheppeck brought in his camera and told us about his former career as a photographer. He inspired us to use our creative talents to make a difference to our world.
The Year 6 children lead house worship. This term we have used mirrors to draw ourselves closely, thinking about how God knew us before we were event born (Psalm 139). This helped us to think deeply about how God loves us just the way we are.
After finding out about Greta Thunberg we also made posters to remind us that we can make a big difference to our planet by making small changes.
May - July 2022
This term our value has been forgiveness.
We learned about how forgiveness with God is like wiping the slate clean.
Mrs Mallender brought in her puppets to model how we can say sorry and ask our friends for forgiveness.
Reverend Nicola read to us from Isaiah 1 and brought in a t shirt covered in ketchup! She told us that forgiveness with God is like dirty clothes being made completely white and clean again.
We have been learning the Lord's prayer together as a school.
Reverend Simon talked about how many times we should try to forgive - Jesus says 70x7. That is a lot!
Mrs Clements used chocolate money to tell the story of The Unforgiving Servant. In this parable told by Jesus in the Bible, the man who had been forgiven a great debt forgot to forgive his friend who only owed a small amount
We welcomed the new Reception children into Collective Worship for transition day. Mr Downings read the poem 'You' by Kristina Stephenson and talked about how we should all embrace being ourselves. We are all individual and unique - not just in how we look but also spiritually. It is so great to see new people joining our wonderful school.
Text and illustrations copyright Kristina Stephenson 2020.
Mr and Mrs Briddon came in with their puppets to tell the story of the Lost Son. He went and lived a wild life and spent all his Father's money. We loved the partying puppets and the pigs. This story showed a great example of God's forgiveness
In House Worship the Year 6s have led worship. These activities have included - creating pictures with partners on whiteboards by rubbing out sections and redrawing them to make collaborative art. This linked to the message of forgiveness being a fresh start, like wiping the slate clean. We also thought about times when we have got things wrong and had to put it right. We drew around our hands to create beautiful hand artwork.
In Wakes Week we joined with the local community for Clypping the Church.
April - May 2022
This term our value has been courage.
Mrs Clements taught us the story of Moses and the burning bush. We found out how God gave him courage to face his past.
Reverend Simon came in for outdoor worship and brought in bread and wine, the symbols of the Eucharist. He talked about the last supper and how God gave Jesus the courage to face his fears.
We enjoyed the story of Daniel in the lion's den. God gave him courage to not give in when people put pressure on him to act in a way that compromised the values of his spiritual core.
Mrs Clements also told us the story of David and Goliath. Even though David was just a shepherd boy, God gave him the courage to face a GIANT challenge!
Year 6 have led house worship this term, using Flippin Praise to help choose the content of their sessions. We have enjoyed exploring the creativity within our spiritual core and have made bookmarks to remind us to be courageous. We have also made our own courage badges, celebrating our own bravery.
We have learned about the Courageous Advocates Malala Yousefzai, Nelson Mandela, David Attenborough and Desmond Tutu.
With Mr Downings, each house was encouraged to think of their own courageous advocates. The children had great ideas, (including Volodomyr Zelenskyy, Marcus Rashford, Greta Thunberg, Cristiano Ronaldo, Ernest Shackleton, Lewis Hamilton) and gave their own reasons why they thought they were couragous and important to them.
Mr and Mrs Briddon came in with their puppets and told the story of the woman at the well. She had to be courageous to go and tell the people in her village about how Jesus changed her life.
We used the four windows model and discussed how the Courageous Advocates and people from our Bible stories connect spiritually. We also spent some time in reflection about our own spiritual cores, wondering about whether the value of courage is one we see within ourselves.
March - April 2022
This term our value has been responsibility.
In this season of Lent, Mrs Mallender talked about the story of Jesus in the desert and how he took responsibility for his power and choices. Reverend Simon and Reverend Nicola also came to school on Ash Wednesday to give us an opportunity to remember how great God's love is for us.
Mrs Clements talked about the tongue being like a wild fire and how hard it can be to control our words.
We learned about Jeremiah from Reverend Simon. He didn't want to take on the responsibility of sharing God's message to the king.
Some children had a go at making whips out of plaited cords. These were displayed on our worship boards to go with the story of Jesus clearing the temple. This story reminded us of how we have to sometimes take responsibility for our anger.
Reverend Nicola shared the story of Jonah the groaner. He ran away, rather than go to preach to the people of Ninevah. We loved the part of the story where the big fish swallowed him whole. GULP!
Mr Downing's talked about ways we can use water responsibly as part of World Water Day.
We went to church for the last day of term, where Ruby class planned and led our Easter service. They told the story of Holy Week from the pulpit, read their own poems and led us in prayer. Sapphire class amazed us with a dramatic retelling of the crucifixion, all in rhyme. Emerald class danced and sang 'This is Amazing Grace,' while Opal sang us two Easter songs beautifully.
In house worship the Year 6 house leaders have showed great responsibility in leading each session. Together we have:
made posters about taming the tongue.
learned the story of the ant and the grasshopper and how we can take responsibility for our time.
Students from Cliff College told the story of the ten lepers. They asked us to remember to be thankful for the big and little things in our lives.
Mr and Mrs Briddon came in to share the story of the Good Shepherd. He looked after every one of his 100 sheep. What a responsible leader!
Here are preschool retelling the story with some gorgeous knitted sheep, left by Mrs Briddon.
Sheelagh came in from Tideswell and District Environment Group to talk about how we can make a difference by planting trees locally.
We had a special day to think about Ukraine. In Collective Worship we wrote prayers and made crosses in our house teams.
Each house have completed an evaluation of worship this term, led by Year 6.
Here are some things we have enjoyed about Collective Worship this term:
Talking to each other
Wrapping people up in bandages with the Cliff College visitors
Making crosses for Ukraine
Responsibility for your time
Being part of the story
Making things
Listening to stories
Learning songs
Picture News
Here is how worship has helped us discover more about our spiritual core:
Showing us we have wider responsibilities
Thinking about others
Being respectful
Being kind
That it grows and grows
It's a hole like in the middle of a donut, you can't see it but it's still there.
You can take responsibility for different things
Your core is like a muscle.
"Everybody is different, everyone is special."
Elsa, Emerald Class
January - February 2022
This term our value has been service.
We have enjoyed stories from a range of different sources. Here are a few examples:
Reverend Nicola talked to us about how Queen Esther put herself in danger to save her people.
We enjoyed watching Luisa's song 'Surface Pressure' from Encanto and discovered how sometimes serving others can be hard.
Mrs Clements brought in her tea set to demonstrate how sometimes we can feel empty and need others to serve us.
Reverend Simon read from the gospels to talk about how Jesus washed his disciples' feet. He talked about how important the jobs are of people in our community who serve.
Mr Downings talked about paratrooper Hannah Senesh who served behind enemy lines during WW2.
We learned about Peter, the hero of Haarlem, who saved his community from a flood in an act of courageous service.
Mr and Mrs Briddon brought in some terrifying lion puppets to tell the story of Daniel in the lion's den. He never gave up serving God, even when it was against the law.
"Each of you received a spiritual gift. God has shown you his grace in giving you different gifts. And you are like servants who are responsible for using God’s gifts. So be good servants and use your gifts to serve each other."
1 Peter 4:10
Children from Year 6 lead House Worship in school. They have done brilliantly! Each house group have created 'talent jars,' thought about places around school they could serve, and planned acts of service they could go out into the community to do. We called this BPS Secret Service!
Each class has created a lego service cross. We used different coloured bricks to show acts of service we spotted from the teachers and children around school. Each colour of brick represented one of our school values of Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider. Which value do you think Emerald Class showed the most?
Picture News in Sapphire Class
By Penny
We have looked at lots of different picture news stories. Here are some of them:
Designing the city of the future
We talked about how the old capital city was sinking so they are planning to build a new one which helps the environment. This taught us about individual liberty because we all have the right to be ourselves.
Is it fair to judge others on their appearance?
This was about footballers having to cover up their tattoos in a game or remove them. I don’t think that is right because if they want them they should have them. This taught us that we should be equal no matter what we look like. I think tolerance and kindness is important.
Is it important to know the history of the universe?
The James Webb telescope is a huge satellite that will take pictures of planets that we don’t know much about in our solar system. The news story was about the different stages it would take in outer space. I think this is important. Individual liberty means we all have the right to learn.
Chinese New Year Day
We had a great time celebrating Chinese New Year in our special activity day! We wore red and took part in lots of different activities. Ash and the kitchen staff prepared us a fantastic Chinese themed lunch!
Year 6 interviewed the younger children about Collective Worship. Here are some things we have enjoyed this term:
Picture News because it helps us learn about the world.
Singing Assembly
House Assembly so we can meet people across the school.
Our Chinese New Year activity Day
Watching videos
Getting involved
Learning about our spiritual core
"When you hear a story in Collective Worship you can go and use it in your life."
Wesley, Sapphire Class
Every day we ask the children to 'Go out and make a difference.' This word art shows how children see our value of service spilling out of our school and into our daily lives:
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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