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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider



How to apply to join Bishop Pursglove CE Primary School 

Parents / carers considering application to Bishop Pursglove are most welcome to visit the school by appointment. Derby Diocesan Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority for school.To apply for a place for your child at Bishop Pursglove you will need to contact the Local Authority



Admissions process


Parents who wish their children to be admitted to Bishop Pursglove must make their application directly to the Derbyshire Local Authority. Their telephone number for initial contact is 01629 533190. Follow this link (or copy and paste into your browser) for further information about applying for a school place, and to apply online. 


Further information can be found in our Admissions Policy which is available online.


Pupil Admission Number


Bishop Pursglove  is able to admit 30 children per year.


Infant Class Size Regulations


Infant classes of 5, 6 and 7 year olds may not, by law, contain more than 30 pupils with a single qualified teacher. Parents/carers do have a right of appeal in accordance with the Infant Class Size Regulations if the school is oversubscribed and their child is refused a place.


Admissions and Oversubscription Criteria


Please follow the link below for information on the admissions criteria: 


Derbyshire County Council can provide details of the oversubscription criteria on: 01629 533190




An independent panel will be constituted to hear Admissions Appeals. The Derby Diocesan Academy Trust will arrange appeal hearings for Bishop Pursglove CE Primary School. Parents should lodge their appeal within 20 days with DCC, who will pass it on to DDAT to arrange a hearing within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging an appeal (School Admission Appeals Code Section 2).


Waiting Lists

Parents whose children have not been offered their preferred school in the normal admissions round will be added to their preferred school’s waiting list. Waiting lists for admission will normally remain open until the end of the Autumn Term in the admission year but schools may maintain waiting lists after this date and for year groups other than the intake year. Please contact the school to request further details.


Waiting lists are ranked in the same order as the over subscription criteria listed below. Your child’s position on the waiting list may change. This means that a child’s waiting list position during the year could go up or down.


Any late applications will be added to the list in accordance with the over subscription criteria. Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available.

Admissions Guidance

Admissions Policy September 2025- - 2026

Admissions Policy September 2024 to August 2025

Admissions Policy September 2023 to August 2024
