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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider

Remote Learning Work and Photographs (2021)

In Creativity, during our 'Frozen Kingdoms' topic, we have been learning about the Inuits and how they live in the harsh regions of the Arctic Circle.  


Using the work of the artist: Kenojuak Ashevak, we have created various pieces of artwork inspired by the Inuits - which one do you like best?



Creativity - Inuit Artwork (01.03.2021)

As part of our 'Frozen Kingdoms' topic in Creativity, we have been looking at how Icebergs are formed.  We then conducted our own experiments to investigate how Icebergs react in different types of water (Freshwater and Saltwater).  We chose these types of water because Saltwater is like that seen in the world's oceans e.g. the Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean.


Have a look at Owain and Maria's Investigations below:
