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Bishop Pursglove C of E Primary School

Reach Higher, Think Deeper, Love Wider

Remote learning

Monday 6th January 2024


Hello everyone and welcome back! I hope that you have all had a lovely break and are able to keep warm and safe today. 


Here are some activities for you to be getting on with at home today as we are not able to get into school:


  • Reading - please take some time to read your independent reading books. Focus on sounding out and blending the words together, reading fluently and then reading with expression and checking understanding through comprehension. Remember that you can read your library books too!


  • Spellings - these are your new spellings for the week below. Please start practising these.

Yr1 - happy, funny, head, bread, wheel, white, toe, shoulder.

Yr2 - hiding, being, seeing, carried, having, played, making, tidied.


  • Maths - we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Can you become a detective and go on a shape hunt around your house? I would like you to write down some shapes that you find in your house and what they are (for example - a cuboid - a cereal box or a circle - a plate etc. Try to get a mix of 2D (flat) shapes and 3D (solid) shapes. 


  • Topic - we are moving onto a new topic now which is called 'Coastline'. Click on our copy and paste this link: 

Can you please watch the video and complete the activities underneath. 

Ext: Can you write a a couple of sentences about what you have learned about the coast? 


Please can work/a photo be emailed to me ( when finished. 


Many thanks,

Miss Palfreyman
